I think that's why I like DXing. It requires intense attention trying to tease out a coherent signal from some God forsaken end of creation. Adjust the phasing, reduce the noise, center the dynamic range, reduce bandwidth, tune to the hz the DX stations freq.... Analyze the pileup, look for the freq where the DX is listening, get another 5 watts out of the amp... it's like playing an organ and eventually all the pieces come together and you hear your callsign followed by 5nn and your brain floods with dopamine... or you get on freq make one call and put him in the log.
I finished 5 band DXCC this morning with scenario number 2. I needed one more on 15 for two weeks to close the deal. I've been hunting T30D and his 12 khz wide pileups all hours trying to complete the task, Hour after hour of calling. tuning. recalling. analyzing. then SV5DKL shows up on 15 in the GTC and I bag him with one call. What's the GTC you ask? I dunno. I check WA7BNM's 8 day contest website and it turns out to be the German Telegraph Contest. The exchange for me is RST so I call him confirm his exchange give him 5NN and its done
I started this on June 6th and it took a little less than 4 months to complete. I'm 55 away from 6 centuries. I have never been interested in multi band DXCC. My antennas don't really support it. If I get my 160 stuff back going who knows...
73 W9OY
PS while writing this I worked LB6B and MI0AHH on 15 Not sure why I was sweating it