My house doesn't lend itself to stringing wire, but I figured out a scheme that hid the wire for the most part. I ran it out of the wall and was able to tuck it into soffit and then into the garage attic where I could send it into the shack. Worked great! Here is the new topology of Flex aspect of my LAN
I of course have a million other things connected but from a FlexNet perspective I have 2 radios and a computer connected to a 5 port switch which then connects to the router via my new cable. I have outstanding speed on this. I was concerned the radios would not be correctly identified by the router but the DCHP picked them right up. Now when I connect to a radio I get this startup screen
I choose the 6500 in the shack on the shack computer and it fired right up and I could identify both radio's IP address in the router set up. The point of all this is to demonstrate how well behaved the networking is with the Flex radios.
I next downloaded 1.4.11 onto a remote wifi based computer.
I opened the 6300
And away we go! It was literally that easy. I next tuned up the antenna using the tuner and tried a short tune
Here is a shot of the tune power and SWR. Everything worked. I could change mode, adjust bandwidth send CW with the keyboard etc etc
Here is a short video of me working my 6300 via wifi remote on my LAN. It took twice as long to write this as it did to get it running
73 W9OY