Only 802 miles. From here (central FL) to Philly is a farther piece. This morning the pileup on 15 was huge. I arrived home from work and things were hopping, but as usual I could barely hear K1N. A couple hours later woofie hungie or whoever the DX god is smiled and he was peaking S8
I put myself in his receive passband
and took my shot and he replied with a nice crisp W9OY 599 to which I responded 599 TU and it was done.
K1N out the wazoo! I have spread out my contacts and have not had to call more than a few times on any band and kept to one contact per band so I don't feel too piggy, and it has been a great joy to wring out my radio station with this DX pedition and try to get some measure of performance. I'm only running a KW and have only a dipole at 55ft and a vertical and so far I've been holding my own against far greater stations and operators which is very satisfying. Hellova good time :)
73 W9OY